We are so very thankful that you have agreed to partner with and pray for the Gen 215project. Outlined below is a short summary of how this project began and a brief history and mission of The Warehouse for those who are new to this Kingdom endeavor.
Gen215In March 2020, God provided an opportunity for a social enterprise to generate income to support the mission of The Warehouse. During a Teen Challenge conference, David Weil and current Board Chair Jack Schmit were introduced to ESCIA (EnvironmentallyControlled, Sustainably Integrated Agriculture) an agricultural system that provides the ability to grow pharmaceutical-grade nutrient-dense plants for wholesale distribution and consumption The name for this project, Gen215, comes from Genesis 2:15 “Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.”The system has been purchased and is currently in the construction phase right inside the Warehouse. By the fall of 2023, the system will be completely functional and generate organic, highly nutritious produce. Sales of the produce will subsidize the operational costs of The Warehouse to sustain the mission as a no-cost safe space for the community.
Origins and Mission of The WarehouseAs an answer to the prayers of David and Nancy Weil, The Warehouse opened in 2014 as a safe no-cost place for the people of Bloomington to experience the story of Jesus and receive the love of God through sports, recreation, and the arts. While The Warehouse is enjoyed at no cost to visitors, all funding and operations are sourced from private donations and volunteers for this immense outreach to spread the Gospel. Donors, prayer partners and volunteers will remain an integral part to sustain this extensive mission so vital to the generations in this region. Learn more about The Warehouse mission and activities at https://btownwarehouse.com For questions or more information contact:
Don Smith(610) 724-1750don@Gen215.com